<aside> 💡 Our primary source of revenue is converting feces into charcoal. This charcoal is then sold for money which we re-invest back into the company.


Step 1: Converting the feces into charcoal → the science

The first step of our value chain is converting the feces into charcoal by utilizing a kiln. A kiln induces a process called carbonization. Carbonization is something where any organic matter is converted into carbon. For reference, charcoal is nearly pure carbon so in other words, carbonization converts organic matter(in our case feces) into charcoal(pure carbon). We utilize a special type of kiln to induce this process called a retort kiln.

Step 2: Converting the feces into charcoal → logistics & output

We estimate that the feces will be in the kiln for around 2 hours and 30 minutes at a maximum temperature of 300°C. Different kilns have different % outputs based on the design and how efficient it is from a thermodynamics perspective. After changing some parts of the kiln we operate at a 44% efficiency rate. In other words for every 100 lbs of feces inputted, we get 44 lbs of charcoal back. This is one of the highest efficiency rates in the world.

Step 3: Refinement of the charcoal

Based on this article, we calculated that the average Nigerian family(5 people) will output 123 lbs of feces every month and based on our 44% conversion rate that's 54.12 lbs of charcoal per family per month. After we convert it into charcoal via the kiln, it still needs to be refined in order to actually have market value. We use this machine to refine the charcoal. It combines things like sawdust and shapes it into briquettes. After the refinement is done, there's virtually no feces smell from the charcoal

Step 4: Pack it up and sell it

Once the refinement is done, we have charcoal briquettes ready to sell for money. In order to sell it, we need around 10 buyers actively buying the charcoal we produce from the three steps above. This is where we need your help.

Our Requirements:

  1. In our pilot, we are going to service around 40 families who collectively will produce 2164.8 lbs of charcoal. We want to distribute this charcoal to 10 buyers so each buyer buys around 216.8 lbs of charcoal every month.
  2. We want to base this on a price point of 428 Naira per pound of charcoal. Please message buyers asking if this is a good amount.

We understand that buyers will most likely want to see the charcoal in person before agreeing. This is ok, but we can't do this until we come to Nigeria ourselves.