LooCafe Wikipedia:


LooCafe’s Deck List


Long answer to

Pitch-Deck with models & designs (Created by LooCafe’s Innovation Team)

The presentation might be a bit glitchy while scrolling, but keep scrolling down on it until you see thank you, or click on it to view the presentation in full screen (the original form) - 2022’s beginning presentation

The presentation might be a bit glitchy while scrolling, but keep scrolling down on it until you see thank you, or click on it to view the presentation in full screen (the original form) - 2022’s beginning presentation

LooCafe Presentation 2023

Changing the poor perception of Public Toilets-7.pdf

We’re a WASH Company that primarily makes public toilets called LooCafes.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/74f54b72-fadc-4a17-b0d9-c4b77ba20647/Loocafe_logo.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/74f54b72-fadc-4a17-b0d9-c4b77ba20647/Loocafe_logo.png" width="40px" /> An Innovative public toilet model, with toilets at the back attached to a point-of-sale while housed inside a shipping container. LooCafe’s currently the only public utility model in its domain of solving WASH challenges that works—because it's sustainable.


We generate revenue from the point-of-sale on rent through ‘LooCafe Partners’, who could incorporate a Starbucks, KFC, or even a Bike-repair shop inside it (4 LooCafes have a motor-shop!)

www.LooCafe.com was incorporated by www.ixoragroup.com in 2018. Today, 1 million people use a LooCafe per month, through over 450+ Units installed across the country

Visualize different models of LooCafes through videos

One of our most visited LooCafes - LooCafe Tank-Bund; faces Hyderabad’s flagship lake.

One of our most visited LooCafes - LooCafe Tank-Bund; faces Hyderabad’s flagship lake.

Sirciilla, a small district in the state of Telangana and its specially designed LooCafe

Sirciilla, a small district in the state of Telangana and its specially designed LooCafe

LooCafe Mini in Hyderabad. Robust and easily replicable (BOT)

LooCafe Mini in Hyderabad. Robust and easily replicable (BOT)

An old video featuring the first LooCafe ever installed

An old video featuring the first LooCafe ever installed

Toilet Tales by LooCafe A book on street hawkers turning toilet entrepreneurs authored by LooCafe’s Youth Team. It contains short stories of individuals’ transformation through taking LooCafes.

LooCafe Minis⁣—For more information on my work at LooCafe & LooCafe Minis

What it takes to build “smart” “public” toilets - LooCafe Innovation