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LooCafe Mumbai
We began in a new city, LooCafe Mumbai is the 5th city for us to embark into, a landmark city which is known for introducing all of India’s flagships, we’re there now with an until that puts us in the 450 LooCafes Existing space. — We’ve planned to introduce over 25 units into Mumbai in the span of the 6 months.
The LooCafe model received an award for best engagement model in sanitation by a social enterprise in Delhi! While the head of Innovation @Vedanth Nath couldn’t be there to receive the award based on his book called Toilet Tales and his work in creating LooCafe minis, LooCafe director @Chakks received the award .
The Toilet Tales Book that led to featuring the work we’re doing Toilet Tales by LooCafe and LooCafe Minis that helped us win the award, as showcased here:
LooCafe - challenge deck and LooCafe Minis
Vedanth in his role of leading “Innovation” at LooCafe created the LooCafe Mini model, a smaller alternative to the existing 16×9 Ft Standard LooCafes. Today, LooCafe Minis are the largest in number and one of the flagship toilet models ever created. LooCafe Minis
<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Our work with game-changing the LooCafe model with IoT based technology—basically, stink sensors for ammonia! A cheap and effective solution that promotes cleanliness and stench freedom in PTs. This overall helps the ecosystem for Small-Business Owning LooCafe partners to solve open Defecation and Sanitation issues while running urban street vending based business’ for simple sustainability.
2 Tweets displaying @VedanthNath’s work at LooCafe, 1. Technology 2. Innovation
As the head of the marketing team, my objective is to ensure LooCafe is glued into streets—with love, without conflicts—bad toilets, vendors, streets etc.
We’re a public utility that’s a game changer in urban sanitation and to connect with our community further we started a Regional language based radio messaging system that promotes LooCafes - this is soon to be released in the form of a video series; and will be used as promotional material for various organizations such as: The Telangana State Government (GHMC), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation India, Swacch Bharat Mission and more!
Through our associations with various global organizations such as the British Council, King's College London, Jane Withers & Global Design Studios, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Dubai Expo.
Featured here, we have a visitor from EOOS Next—a design team that has worked with the BMGF to Reinvent the Toilet Challenge and Athena Infomanics.